It’s what we all do at the end of the year, right? Memories we’ve shared with family and friends from the past year flood our hearts and our minds. We choose the joyous ones and hold them close for a lifetime, and we try desperately to endure the ones less joyous…while praying that the new year will be easier. And, that it will be filled with opportunities for celebrations and positive growth.
Growth is a really beautiful thing! Especially in the world of childhood cancer research.
Reflection + Recognition = Growth
As we all begin to reflect on what was 2018, I wanted to share some of the exciting news surrounding The Carter Martin Fund at CURE Childhood Cancer. The end of December marks halfway though CURE’s current fiscal year. In only 6 short months Carter’s Fund has raised an astounding $87,000!
Reflection + Action = Hope
In November we held the inaugural Piggy Bank Bash in Savannah which was a huge success! For those of you who don’t know the details of Carter’s story, in the final days of his life he asked me to get his piggy bank and said, “Mom, give all of my money to childhood cancer research so no other kid has to suffer like me.” At the Piggy Bank Bash guests were invited to take home individual CURE piggy banks allowing them to serve as a reminder that children with cancer need change….they need change in their treatment options that provide better outcomes and cause fewer life long side effects. Our Savannah team poured their hearts into this event, making certain that no one in the community will want to miss the Piggy Bank Bash next year!
It is with tender hearts that those of us at CURE Childhood Cancer recognize the reality of the many children who were diagnosed in 2018, those who continued to endure treatment, and also the sweet, young lives that we lost over the past year. Our hope lies in the children who were declared disease free, those who are survivors, and most importantly, the ones who are being offered different treatment options through the Precision Medicine Program at the Aflac Cancer Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. This program is CURE Childhood Cancer’s largest grant to date that envisions personalized, non-toxic and curative cancer therapy for all children. 2018-2019 marks year two of our $4.5 million commitment, which has already produced measurable results since its inception.
Reflection + Hope = A Cure
Reflection… cathartic in seeing how far we’ve come and crucial in making a plan for what we still need to do. Over time that reflection will yield a great reward, knowing that we have made a difference in the lives of children with cancer.
Upon further reflection of what Carter Martin wanted, no more kids suffering, we say let’s continue the fight. It is our greatest honor to fight this fight with you.
Thank you for partnering with us in these efforts and for your generous contributions to The Carter Martin Fund over the past year. Every penny out of your piggy banks counts and we appreciate your continued support of this cause. We wish for YOU and your family a wonderful holiday filled with health and happiness.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Leigh Ann