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Open Arms Meal Program

Through our Open Arms Meal Program, CURE serves meals to hospitalized children with cancer and their families at the Aflac Cancer Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Memorial Health Dwaine and Cynthia Willett Children’s Hospital. These meals help alleviate the stress and cost of meals for family members during hospital stays. The expense of eating out or ordering food can be overwhelming to a family dealing with extensive medical bills. Additionally, children with cancer are often too sick or young to allow a parent to leave their hospital room to get a meal.

“Our cancer diagnosis and treatment cycle was an absolute whirlwind! Everything happened so quickly and our hospital stays were so long and so hard. It was difficult for me to pull away to get down to the cafeteria to eat much less leaving the hospital to get food. Tuesday CURE lunches started to become a welcomed respite. Sometimes we anticipated the Tuesday lunch. Other times, the days of the week started to blur after a tough time and there were many Tuesdays we didn’t realize it until lunch time! My son would say, “Ooooohhh Mama, it’s Tuesday, I wonder what CURE’s going to bring today.” If I wondered loudly what I would eat for lunch, he would say “Don’t worry, CUREs bringing lunch today.” We were blessed many times by the CURE support staff and the lunches and dinners that are provided on the Aflac floor for patients and families! So thankful to you!”


“Our cancer diagnosis and treatment cycle was an absolute whirlwind! Everything happened so quickly and our hospital stays were so long and so hard. It was difficult for me to pull away to get down to the cafeteria to eat much less leaving the hospital to get food. Tuesday CURE lunches started to become a welcomed respite. Sometimes we anticipated the Tuesday lunch. Other times, the days of the week started to blur after a tough time and there were many Tuesdays we didn’t realize it until lunch time! My son would say, “Ooooohhh Mama, it’s Tuesday, I wonder what CURE’s going to bring today.” If I wondered loudly what I would eat for lunch, he would say “Don’t worry, CUREs bringing lunch today.” We were blessed many times by the CURE support staff and the lunches and dinners that are provided on the Aflac floor for patients and families! So thankful to you!”


“My family benefited from CURE when my daughter was in the hospital last year to have a bone marrow transplant. She was in the hospital for over 50 days. There were days when we were going through so much to even think about what to eat was stressful. Not to mention it was a financial burden to have to eat so many meals away from home. CURE helped relieve some of that stress by serving meals to us!”


“My family benefited from CURE when my daughter was in the hospital last year to have a bone marrow transplant. She was in the hospital for over 50 days. There were days when we were going through so much to even think about what to eat was stressful. Not to mention it was a financial burden to have to eat so many meals away from home. Cure helped relieve some of that stress by serving meals to us!”


young female cancer patient wearing a mask, grateful for the CURE Open Arms Meal Program