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Open Arms Meals

Through our Open Arms Meal program, CURE serves meals to hospitalized children with cancer and their families at Memorial Health Dwaine and Cynthia Willett Children’s Hospital three times a week. These meals help alleviate the stress and cost of meals for family members during hospital stays. The expense of eating out or ordering food can be overwhelming to a family dealing with extensive medical bills. Additionally, children with cancer are often too sick or young to allow a parent to leave their hospital room to get a meal.

Your company, group, or family can help us meet the needs of families fighting cancer by providing a meal through our Open Arms Meal Program. A $250 donation will allow your company, group, or family to provide the comfort of good food to families fighting cancer.


We are also seeking restaurants to partner with CURE by donating lunch meals once a month. CURE staff will pick up the meals and deliver them to the families at the hospital. For more information, or to become a partner, please contact Allena Cox, [email protected].


To a Family

“Having the Open Arms Meal Program was such a relief. It was one less thing I had to worry about and stress about. I knew I needed to eat. But some of those days your so exhausted and thinking about so many different things.”

-Zoe’s mom, Courtney

To a Family

“Having the Open Arms Meal Program was such a relief. It was one less thing I had to worry about and stress about. I knew I needed to eat. But some of those days your so exhausted and thinking about so many different things.”

-Zoe’s mom, Courtney

To a Restaurant Provider

“The main ingredient is a lot of love and care. I find soup to be the ultimate comfort food, so we are just thrilled to be a part of this program.”

-Jenny Levison, Souper Jenny

To a Restaurant Provider

“The main ingredient is a lot of love and care. I find soup to be the ultimate comfort food, so we are just thrilled to be a part of this program.”

-Jenny Levison, Souper Jenny


We are grateful for these generous restaurant partners that consistently provide meals to hospitalized children and their families.