Creed’s story really started before he was born. He came into this world 11 weeks early weighing just 2lbs. He spent his first 91 days in the hospital, with lots of challenges to overcome. While there, he was diagnosed with an adrenal insufficiency, the first of many illnesses to come. At 6 months he began his ongoing journey when admitted for adenovirus pneumonia. At age 3 he began monthly IVIG treatments. This was basically giving him an immune system to hopefully stop him from getting sick.
The first five years of his life he battled more serious bacterial infections puzzling the doctors as to how and why he continued to catch these illnesses. It just didn’t make sense. His family learned very quickly just how unique Creed was. Right before his 5th birthday he became sick again. One of the many doctors requested a bone marrow biopsy; he felt like something had to be going on there because nothing else was adding up. A week later the results we in. Yep, there it was. Creed had Myelodysplasia/ Monosomy 7.