“It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.”
– Adlai E. Stevenson
Mother’s Day is bittersweet for me. After a mother loses a child, Mother’s Day is never the same. A way to cope is not to dwell on my losses to avoid sadness; instead I remind myself of the many blessings with my family and friends.
We are grateful for the time we had with Sam. He touched so many people we are touched when people share their memories of Sam. Sam’s ability to connect with people became a catalyst for our family to have Sam’s Fund within CURE. We believe in CURE’s mission vision that childhood cancer be cured within our lifetime.
I am confident Sam’s is smiling down to see a dedicated doctor, Dr. Jim Felker as our Sam Robb Fellow. Sam had a special relationship with his doctor, Dr. George. Unfortunately, doctors caring for children with cancer continued to be stymied in their efforts. Consider two alarming facts on treatments for children with cancer:
- Fewer than 5 drugs have been developed for children with cancer since 1980, compared to hundreds of drugs developed specifically for adults
- For many childhood cancers, the same treatments from the 1970’s continue with no changes or improvements.
We know personally the sad reality of not having an option for treatment. Working with CURE we are committed to finding new treatments for children battling cancer. We are blessed to have the friends who volunteer/contribute to Sam’s Fund. It is time to bring treatments for children with cancer into the 21st century. Thank you for being a friend and a blessing!
Mother’s Days Blessings to all!
Save the Dates
Sam Robb Memorial Golf Tournament
Sunday, October 8th at Legacy Golf at Lanier Islands
Sam Robb Memorial Holiday Classic Basketball Tournament
December 27th -28th -29th
Sam Robb Brewfest for CURE
SweetWater Brewery
March 3, 2018