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We are listening. We are learning.

We are working to be better. 

As the events of the last few weeks have unfolded, all of us at CURE Childhood Cancer have shared the outrage and anguish so many across the country have expressed. We have listened to the voices of the Black community with a genuine desire to understand and to be part of lasting change in the world.

As an organization, CURE has always been committed to serving all children with cancer and their families, without regard to race. Recent events have caused a sincere awakening, and we want to respond by searching for our blind spots, discovering biases we don’t realize we have and don’t want to have, and challenging ourselves to do much better to ensure diverse voices, perspectives, and experiences are present around our tables and involved in decision-making.

We don’t have all the answers today, but we are committed to the following as first steps:

    • Invite members of the Black community to join us in conversation about their unique struggles as parents of children with cancer so that we may better serve them;
    • Work harder to ensure our events and programs include Black speakers and experts;
    • Make sure our brand voice reflects the diversity of the community we serve;
    • Be intentional and resolved to build diversity in our staff, boards, and volunteers.

As individuals and an organization, we stand in solidarity with the Black members of our community. We vow to do everything we can to create a more just, tolerant, and equal society.