In this time of unprecedented crisis in our country, children with cancer are among the most vulnerable. Cancer treatments destroy their immune systems, making it impossible to fight off most any virus, much less the novel COVID-19. As a result, the families we serve are being impacted by this crisis in extremely difficult ways.
As this pandemic crisis unfolds, families are facing very difficult challenges. CURE is responding as follows:
Parents working in high risk environments like hospitals, grocery stores, and essential businesses are having to take unpaid leaves or furloughs to protect their vulnerable children. Many others are facing layoffs and are unsure how they will pay their bills. CURE is providing emergency financial assistance to help with housing, food, utilities, and other basic expenses.
Families often come from far away for cancer treatments and rely on nonprofit housing facilities for lodging. Additionally, bone marrow transplant patients need transitional housing upon discharge, so they are close to the hospital. The facilities that normally house these families have closed due to COVID-19. CURE is stepping up to cover the costs of hotel lodging for these families.
Hospitals have enacted strict visitation rules limiting one parent/caregiver per child resulting in an inability for many parents to leave their child’s hospital room for meals. CURE is delivering boxed meals, cereals, soups, oatmeal, and meal bags to these caregivers.
Stress, anxiety and fear are at an all-time high as parents navigate childhood cancer during this pandemic. CURE is making video counseling with licensed therapists available for free to all families, covering the cost of all sessions for patients, parents, and siblings through this COVID-19 crisis.
CURE will continue to serve our families to the very best of our abilities through this pandemic and beyond.